Saturday, April 18, 2015

Video is the new text, a Q & A session with Sonya.

This session is a Q & A session about Youtube. Let Sonya Van Schaijik know your burning technical questions and she will endeavour to answer them during the session. Bring your youtube account and channel and join her and she showed some tips that have learnt along the way of creating nearly 80x 3 min clips of teacher’s stories.

Connect Collaborate Co-Create Celebrate with like-minded educators using Google+ Hangout

TeachMeetNZ is a professional learning community and environment that provides asynchronous and synchronous opportunities for New Zealand teachers to connect, collaborate, create and celebrate with other educational professionals beyond their own school communities. Sonya Van Schaijik showed how she plans for and runs a #TeachMeetNZ event using Google+ Hangout. Live global guests joined the hangout. Then participants were invited to a hangout and were shown how to stream and record a google+ hangout.

Making Learning Visible using Student Voice and Digital Badges.

At Newmarket School we are using a variety of google tools to amplify student voice such as blogger and google apps for education. This year student badges have been created as part of our Positive Behaviour for Learning Journey. Waveney Bryant will share with you how student voice is conveyed through a Leadership Passport and through the allocation of digital badges. Children can download the badge onto their google drive and add them to their portfolio. The use of badges keeps the learning visible.

You can read her blog reflection here about presenting at the GAFEsummit 2015.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Connecting the dots: Using Hapara - Teacher Dashboard Session Description

What happens when you ask for something and actually get it? Shock. Awe. Panic. Excitement. Most of all, the overwhelming realisation that your practice is about to take a huge turn and will most likely never be the same again. This is Anna Speir's story of making the leap into one to one devices and starting our school's first digital classroom, using Hapara - Teacher Dashboard and her challenges and successes along the way.

Here is Anna's reflection from the GafeSummit that she presented at.